118 research outputs found

    Performance of hunting statistics as spatiotemporal density indices of moose (Alces alces) in Norway

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    Wildlife managers are often asking for reliable information of population density across larger spatial scales. In this study, we examined the spatiotemporal relationships between moose density as estimated by cohort analysis and the density indices (1) harvest density (HD; hunter kills per km2), (2) moose seen per unit effort (SPUE), seen moose density (SMD; seen moose per km2), and density of moosevehicle accidents (MVA density; e.g., traffic kills per km2) in 16 areas in Norway with 13–42 years of data. HD showed a close positive relationship with moose density both within and between regions. However, the temporal variation in HD was best explained as a delayed reflection of moose density and tended to overestimate its growth and decline. Conversely, SMD and SPUE were unable to predict the spatial variation in moose density with high precision, though both indices were relatively precise temporal reflectors of moose density. However, the SPUE tended to underestimate population growth, probably because of a decrease in searching efficiency with increasing moose density. Compared to the other indices, MVA density performed poor as an index of moose density within regions, and not at all among regions, but may, because of its independent source of data, be used to cross-check population trends suggested by other indices. Our study shows that the temporal trends in moose density can be surveyed over large areas by the use of cheap indices based on data collected by hunters and local managers, and supports the general assumption that the number of moose killed per km2 provides a precise and isometric index of the variation in moose density at the spatial scale of our study. cohort analysis; isometric index; management; monitoring; population reconstruction; precision; saturation; seen per unit effort (SPUE).Performance of hunting statistics as spatiotemporal density indices of moose (Alces alces) in NorwaypublishedVersio


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh pentingnya kemampuan komunikasi matematis dan minat belajar. Namun kenyataan di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan komunikasi matematisdan minat belajarsiswa masih rendah. Agar permasalahan tersebut dapat diatasi, diperlukan sebuah model pembelajaran yang dapatmeningkatkankemampuan komunikasi matematis dan minat belajarsiswa.Olehkarenaitu, dipilih modelAccelerated Learning Berbantuan Software Maple. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menelaahpeningkatan kemampuan komunikasi matematis dan minat belajarsiswa, danmenelaahhubunganantara kemampuan komunikasi dan minat belajar.Penelitianinimerupakanpenelitiankuasieksperimendenganpretest-postest control group design. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas X pada salah satu SMA Negeri di Kota Purwokerto. Sampel terdiri dari dua kelas yang dipilih secara purposive sampling.Instrumen yang digunakan berupa tes kemampuan komunikasi matematis dan angket minat belajar, lembar observasi, serta pedoman wawancara. Analisis data dilakukan secara kuantitatif.Analisis data tersebutmenggunakanMann-Whitney U Testdan uji asosiasi Chi Square. Berdasarkan analisis data, ditemukan bahwa: (1)pencapaian kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa yang memperoleh Accelerated LearningBerbantuanSoftware Maplelebih baik daripada siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran biasa;(2) peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa yang memperoleh Accelerated LearningBerbantuanSoftware Maplelebih baik daripada siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran biasa, (3) pencapaian kemampuan minat belajar siswa yang memperoleh Accelerated LearningBerbantuanSoftware Maplelebih baik daripada siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran biasa; (4) peningkatan kemampuan minat belajar siswa yang memperoleh Accelerated LearningBerbantuanSoftware Maplelebih baik daripada siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran biasa; dan(5) terdapat asosiasi antara kemampuan komunikasi dan minat belajarsiswadengan kategori rendah. ---------- This research was motivated by the importance of mathematical communication learning interest of students. Mathematical communication ability and learning interest of students is still low. In order that this problemscan be solved, alearning modelthatcan enhancemathematical communication and learning interest ofstudents is required.In this research, Maple-Assisted Accelerated Learning was selected. This studyaims to analyzetheenhancement of mathematical communication learning interest of students, and to analyzetheassociationbetween mathematical communication ability andlearning interest of students. This research was aquasi-experimentalwithpretest-posttest control group design. The population was students at tenth gradein one of senior high schools in Purwokerto, Central Java. The sample consisted oftwoclasses which wasselected bypurposivesampling. This research used fourinstruments: testof mathematicalcommunication ability, learning interestquestionnaire, observation sheets, and interview guide.Data analyzed was done quantitatively. The data were analyzed by usingMann-Whitney U TestandChi Squaren test. Based on the data analyze, it is found that: (1) the achievement of mathematical communication ability of students who receivedthe Maple-Assisted Accelerated Learning is betterthan the achievement of students who receivedconventionallearning;(2) The enhancement of mathematical communication ability of students who receivedthe Maple-Assisted Accelerated Learning is betterthan the enhancement of students who receivedconventionallearning; (3)the achievement oflearning interestability of students who receivedthe Maple-Assisted Accelerated Learning is betterthan the achievement of students who receivedconventionallearning; (4)the enhancement oflearning interestof students who receivedthe Maple-Assisted Accelerated Learning is betterthan the enhancement of students who receivedconventionallearning; and(5) there is anassociation between students’ mathematical communication ability and learning interest of student

    Estimating and managing broad risk of chronic wasting disease spillover among cervid species

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    The management of infectious wildlife diseases often involves tackling pathogens that infect multiple host species. Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a prion disease that can infect most cervid species. CWD was detected in reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) in Norway in 2016. Sympatric populations of red deer (Cervus elaphus) and moose (Alces alces) are at immediate risk. However, the estimation of spillover risk across species and implementation of multispecies management policies are rarely addressed for wildlife. Here, we estimated the broad risk of CWD spillover from reindeer to red deer and moose by quantifying the probability of co-occurrence based on both (1) population density and (2) habitat niche overlap from GPS data of all three species in Nordfjella, Norway. We describe the practical challenges faced when aiming to reduce the risk of spillover through a marked reduction in the population densities of moose and red deer using recreational hunters. This involves setting the population and harvest aims with uncertain information and how to achieve them. The niche overlap between reindeer and both moose and red deer was low overall but occurred seasonally. Migratory red deer had a moderate niche overlap with the CWD-infected reindeer population during the calving period, whereas moose had a moderate niche overlap during both calving and winter. Incorporating both habitat overlap and the population densities of the respective species into the quantification of co-occurrence allowed for more spatially targeted risk maps. An initial aim of a 50% reduction in abundance for the Nordfjella region was set, but only a moderate population decrease of less than 20% from 2016 to 2021 was achieved. Proactive management in the form of marked population reduction is invasive and unpopular when involving species of high societal value, and targeting efforts to zones with a high risk of spillover to limit adverse impacts and achieve wider societal acceptance is important. disease management, host range, moose, multihost pathogens, niche overlap, Norway, population estimation, red deer, reindeerpublishedVersio

    Habitat quality influences population distribution, individual space use and functional responses in habitat selection by a large herbivore

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    Identifying factors shaping variation in resource selection is central for our understanding of the behaviour and distribution of animals. We examined summer habitat selection and space use by 108 Global Positioning System (GPS)-collared moose in Norway in relation to sex, reproductive status, habitat quality, and availability. Moose selected habitat types based on a combination of forage quality and availability of suitable habitat types. Selection of protective cover was strongest for reproducing females, likely reflecting the need to protect young. Males showed strong selection for habitat types with high quality forage, possibly due to higher energy requirements. Selection for preferred habitat types providing food and cover was a positive function of their availability within home ranges (i.e. not proportional use) indicating functional response in habitat selection. This relationship was not found for unproductive habitat types. Moreover, home ranges with high cover of unproductive habitat types were larger, and smaller home ranges contained higher proportions of the most preferred habitat type. The distribution of moose within the study area was partly related to the distribution of different habitat types. Our study shows how distribution and availability of habitat types providing cover and high-quality food shape ungulate habitat selection and space use

    No ocean acidification effects on shell growth and repair in the New Zealand brachiopod Calloria inconspicua (Sowerby, 1846)

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    AbstractSurface seawaters are becoming more acidic due to the absorption of rising anthropogenic CO2. Marine calcifiers are considered to be the most vulnerable organisms to ocean acidification due to the reduction in the availability of carbonate ions for shell or skeletal production. Rhychonelliform brachiopods are potentially one of the most calcium carbonate-dependent groups of marine organisms because of their large skeletal content. Little is known, however, about the effects of lowered pH on these taxa. A CO2 perturbation experiment was performed on the New Zealand terebratulide brachiopod Calloria inconspicua to investigate the effects of pH conditions predicted for 2050 and 2100 on the growth rate and ability to repair shell. Three treatments were used: an ambient pH control (pH 8.16), a mid-century scenario (pH 7.79), and an end-century scenario (pH 7.62). The ability to repair shell was not affected by acidified conditions with >80% of all damaged individuals at the start of the experiment completing shell repair after 12 weeks. Growth rates in undamaged individuals >3 mm in length were also not affected by lowered pH conditions, whereas undamaged individuals <3 mm grew faster at pH 7.62 than the control. The capability of C. inconspicua to continue shell production and repair under acidified conditions suggests that this species has a robust control over the calcification process, where suitable conditions at the site of calcification can be generated across a range of pH conditions.The authors would like to thank the science support staff at the Portobello Marine Laboratory, University of Otago, for their help in the set up and maintenance of the ocean acidification experimental system. Thanks also to Kim Currie at National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research for the DIC and total alkalinity measurements. ELC is supported by the NERC PhD Studentship (NE/T/A/ 2011).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Oxford University Press via http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsv03

    Behavioral responses of terrestrial mammals to COVID-19 lockdowns

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    COVID-19 lockdowns in early 2020 reduced human mobility, providing an opportunity to disentangle its effects on animals from those of landscape modifications. Using GPS data, we compared movements and road avoidance of 2300 terrestrial mammals (43 species) during the lockdowns to the same period in 2019. Individual responses were variable with no change in average movements or road avoidance behavior, likely due to variable lockdown conditions. However, under strict lockdowns 10-day 95th percentile displacements increased by 73%, suggesting increased landscape permeability. Animals' 1-hour 95th percentile displacements declined by 12% and animals were 36% closer to roads in areas of high human footprint, indicating reduced avoidance during lockdowns. Overall, lockdowns rapidly altered some spatial behaviors, highlighting variable but substantial impacts of human mobility on wildlife worldwide.acceptedVersio

    Behavioral responses of terrestrial mammals to COVID-19 lockdowns

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    COVID-19 lockdowns in early 2020 reduced human mobility, providing an opportunity to disentangle its effects on animals from those of landscape modifications. Using GPS data, we compared movements and road avoidance of 2300 terrestrial mammals (43 species) during the lockdowns to the same period in 2019. Individual responses were variable with no change in average movements or road avoidance behavior, likely due to variable lockdown conditions. However, under strict lockdowns 10-day 95th percentile displacements increased by 73%, suggesting increased landscape permeability. Animals' 1-hour 95th percentile displacements declined by 12% and animals were 36% closer to roads in areas of high human footprint, indicating reduced avoidance during lockdowns. Overall, lockdowns rapidly altered some spatial behaviors, highlighting variable but substantial impacts of human mobility on wildlife worldwide.acceptedVersio